lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Continental reservations center closure to affect 685 positions - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The closure of the reservationb center will affect685 jobs, 100 of which will be eliminated, said companuy spokeswoman Kelly Cripe. Continental CAL), which employs 43,000 people, will eliminate 500 jobs in its reservation sdepartment company-wide, which includes the 100 in said Cripe. The remaining 585 affected Tampa employees will have the optionsd of participating in a work from homeor “remoted agent” program, taking a leave of absence, or transferringy to positions at reservations centeres in Salt Lake City and at Continental’s corporate headquarters in Houston. The Tampa reservations center, located at 4101 Jim Waltee Blvd., employs a total of 700 Cripe said.
Those unaffected employees already work in the remoteragent program. The changes to the reservations program will notaffect Continental’s service, Cripwe said. Continental reported a net lossof $136 or $1.10 per share, on revenue of $2.96 billion in the firsf quarter, compared to an $82 million, or 82 centsz per share loss, the year before on revenue of $3.577 billion. Beginning June 1, Continental will add nonstop service from threr days a weekto Gulfport, Miss., a releasr from said.

sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

Xcel Energy
Over the next 5 to 6 years, we have planzs to add up to 600 megawattes of concentrating solar withstorage capacity. In Wisconsin, we have plans to refurbish anexisting plant, makinh it the largest biomass plantg in the Midwest. Depending on construction should start in 2010 and the plant shoulds be onlineby 2012. We also are refurbishingh and relicensing hydro plantszin Wisconsin. To deliver all of that renewabl energy-especially wind power-we are making big investment s intransmission lines. In Minnesota and Colorado, we are workintg with other energy companies to develop transmission plans to meetregional needs.
The effort is furthert along in Minnesota, where the approvapl process is well under wayand we’ve identified corridors for some of the new lines. Just last in fact, the Minnesota Publidc Utilities Commission approved a certificate of need to buildcthree 345-kilovolt lines in the first phas e of the project. We also believe that nucleaf power is part of a clean energy With thatin mind, we’ve secured all of the necessar y approvals to relicense one of our nuclear plantx and have applied to relicense both units of the othef plant. And we plan to make significanr investments to upgradethe plants, adding about 235 megawatte of generating capacity.
Obviously, our nuclear plantsx have no greenhouse gas which addresses the issue of climate In another climatechange effort, we will soon complete a billion-dollar emission-reduction project in We converted two coal-fired plants to natural gas facilities and completel refurbished a third coal-fired plant with advancerd emission-reduction equipment. In Colorado, we will bring a new coal unit on line this and refurbish twoexisting units. You mighg be familiar with Comanche 3. It’sx a project we started several years ago afterr reaching a comprehensive settlement with severalo prominentenvironmental groups.
• Bringing the new unit on line enabled us toretire older, less-efficient We’ve proposed a resource plan here in Colorado that reducess system-wide CO2 emissions by 10 percent over the next few years-even with Comanch 3. Conservation, of course, is also an effective way to reducegreenhousd gases. We’ve been working with customers for more than 20 years to help themconserve energy. Over that they’ve saved in the neighborhood of 3,00 0 megawatts of electricity. We look at thoses conservation efforts as the equivalentg of 11 or 12 powet plantswe didn’t have to Several states in our service territory have established ambitious new conservatio n goals.
So despite the fact that we’ver been aggressive in this area over the we are ramping itup considerably. In we’d like to reduce electriv demand by almost 700 megawattxby 2015-and we’re already seeing good results. Sinc e we launched our energy efficiency rebate programsin 2006, our Colorad business customers have saved more than 320 gigawatt-hourxs of electricity and almostf 100 megawatts in peak demand.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Caraustar Industries files Chapter 11 - Nashville Business Journal:
All trade creditors, suppliers, customers and employeesx will receive all amounts owed to the Austell, Ga.-based recycled paperboard and packaginh company said. It will ask the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Norther District of Georgia for approval to pay the amounts in the ordinarty courseof business. Caraustar CSAR) also reached agreement with debt holderz to reducethe company's debt obligations by $135 Under the Plan, holders of outstanding shares of Caraustar's common stockk will receive their pro rata share of $2.9 million, or 10 centsa a share, subject to certaij conditions. The restructuring plan callse for the exchange ofthe company's existint 7.375 percent and 7.
25 percent senior notes for an aggregate of $85 million in new senioe secured notes and 100 percent of the commomn stock of the reorganized company. will become the company'ss controlling shareholder. In conjunction with the restructuring, Caraustar has landexd a $75 million debtor-in-possession line of credit from Generalo ElectricCapital Corp. The money may be used for cash collateralizingy outstanding lettersof credit, paying for goodsz and services in the ordinary course of the businesas and general corporate purposes. "Caraustar took decisive actiom to substantially reducethe company's debt and prospectivelg reduce costs,” said President and CEO Michael J.
Keough, in a statement. “Once our financiao restructuringis complete, we believde Caraustar's new capital structure combined with the cost savings achievef by operating as a private entity will provide a lean and flexible foundation for sustainabled profitability and better positiobn the company to meet the challenges of our industry and this recessionarty economy head on." The company posted a net loss of $4.4 millio in the first quarter of 2009 and had a $99 milliom loss in 2008.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Hercules Technology Growth is living up to its name - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:

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Observers say the firm'es aggressive strategy to lendto high-risk venture capital-backed companies and its soli d relationships with venture investors has helped buil d the value of its loan portfolil beyond $530 million in just four years, whils traditional financiers tighten lending standards and strugglde to grow revenue. And Herculews says the credit crunch might just be playing tothe firm'z favor. Hercules posted recordx revenue in the fourth quarter of 2007of $15.8 an 82 percent increasee over 2006. The company grew its net incomd by 424 percentto $20.t million. For the the company grew net income in 2007 by 273 percenytto $42.4 million. And it loaned out $367 million.
Herculesw credits several factors forits performance: recored venture capital raised and invested in 2007, a lengthening of venture-backedc companies time to exits and the volatile capital marketw that make public offerings more "Those are the interesting phenomena that reallgy bode well for our says Hercules CEO Manuel Henriquez. The firm says it's builyt an aggressive team that has helperd it win more deals likeits $15 million loan announcec Jan.
29 to 30-million-user social networok hi5 Hercules has positioned itself to bea front-runner in high qualityt deals by the relationshipsx its forged with venturre capitalists, says Dave Feinlib, a partner at Mohr Davidosw Ventures and a board memberf of hi5. Since Dec. 2, the firm has announce d $94 million in financing to venture-backed "They're looking for a sort of blue chip VC firm to have made a reasonablee investment intothe company," Feinlib "We've certainly done tons and tons of due diligence in the companie that we invest in and they're leveraging that.
" Hercules is set up as a businesx development company, which requires it to distributew 90 percent of its taxable income as dividends but exempts the companuy from paying corporate income tax. That helpsw the firm compete onloan rates, Henrique z says. Competition among venture debt which include commercial banks such as SiliconValley Bank, and Squares 1 Bank, has heightened over the last severalp years as venture capital money has continueed to flow here. "Venture debt providers have becomse more aggressive lately and are providing bettef termson debt," says Ian Patrickj Sobieski, managing director of Band of Angels.
But if recorx revenue is something tocheer about, Wall Stree hasn't been greatly Hercules saw barely a blip in its stock pricwe from its earnings announcemenft Feb. 7. And its stock was trading near squarely in the middle ofits 52-week at press time. "The problem is, it's like Henriquez says. "It doesn't matteer how well we do. Our other brethren in the mid-market get whackef and we get painted with thisbroacd brush.

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

Birmingham to host workshop on applying for federal broadband funds - Birmingham Business Journal:

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The public broadband grant and loan workshoop will be held July 14 at the Sheraton Birmingham Hote l at 2101 RichardArrington Jr. N. It is sponsored by the Departmentof Commerce'ws National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the Departmentg of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service. The stimulus fundd are becoming available in the firsyt round of American Recovery and ReinvestmentAct funding. It is aimed at expandin broadband access, creating jobs and building Internet infrastructure.
Earlierf this month, Vice President Joe Bidenn announced the availabilityof $4 billion in Recoverh Act loans and grants to help bring broadbands service to unserved and underserved communities acrosw America. Commerce Department NTIA Senior Advisor Mark Seifery and USDA Rural Development Actingh State Director Beverly Helton are makingopening remarks. Attendeesd can pre-register for the event online at

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Fixed-Rate Mortgages Hit A New Year-To-Date Low - Daily Markets

Forbes (blog)

Fixed-Rate Mortgages Hit A New Year-To-Date Low

Daily Markets

MCLEAN, Va., May 19, 2011 /PRNewswire/ â€" Freddie Mac (OTC: FMCC) today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS ® ), which shows fixed-rate mortgages declining for the fifth consecutive week amid mixed economic and housing ...

Freddie: Fixed Mortgage Rates Slide As Indicators Mixed

W »

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Fitch downgrades state bonds despite

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The New York-based agency this week said it loweredthe AA+ ratinbg attached to the bonds by a peg to AA, citing “thed long-term deterioration of the state’s economy” and concernh that Ohio didn’t bounce back as stronglgy as other states followin the 2000-01 recession. Fitch also noted that the 100,000p manufacturing jobs lost in Ohio over the past year and recenft plans by to close some operationd in the state are of particular The rating downgrade comes as a conferencr committee composed of Ohio House of Representativew and Senate members is poise to finalizethe state’s budget for the two yearsx beginning July 1.
Legislators are expected to receive updatedf tax revenueprojections Thursday, which could lead to spendinbg cuts beyond the $1 billionm the Republican-controlled Senate made to a budget passed by the Democrat-controllecd House. Fitch characterized Ohio’s financial management as “sound,” adding that its rating takesd into expectations that the state budget will be Despite downgradingthe bonds, the agencyu revised its overall ratings outloo for the state to “stable” from “negative.” Fitch issued a AA ratinyg to $40 million in coal development general obligatioh bonds set to sell next week.
That’d the third-highest investment gradr possible onits • The agency also downgraded to AA- from AA ratingsz on appropriation-backed bonds.

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Lady Gaga dumps her drunk boyfriend Luc Carl -

Lady Gaga dumps her drunk boyfriend Luc Carl

The Born This Way singer appeared on UK comedian Graham Norton's show to perform. "I don't have a boyfriend and haven't been on any dates recently," Lady Gaga told Norton while clad in a wedding dress. "I haven't been on any dates recently because I ...

Lady Gaga: I'm single and miserably pathetic in a wedding dress



jueves, 12 de mayo de 2011

Cheryl Cole `going colour crazy` with clothes - Monsters and

Cheryl Cole `going colour crazy` with clothes

Monsters and

Cheryl Cole has revealed that she is planning to go 'colour crazy' with her outfits for the US X Factor. Cheryl Cole has a huge smile on her face as she prepares to film 'The X-Factor' in LA. ...

Cheryl Cole to go colour crazy on X Factor

Could Cheryl Cole find new man on the X Factor?

Cheryl brings fashion “X Factor”

Independent Online -98FM -OK! Magazine


martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Andy Dalton: Report: 49ers explored trade up for Dalton -

Andy Dalton: Report: 49ers explored trade up for Dalton

The 49ers "thoroughly investigated" a trade into the back end of the first round to pick up QB Andy Dalton, according to NFL Network's Jason LaCanfora. Dalton would have fit Jim Harbaugh's West Coast offense, but this report is a head-scratcher. ...

and more »

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

- Washington Business Journal:
million expansion and renovationof Baltimore-Washingto n International Airport, which would give 10 additiona gates. The Dallas-based airline, which now operates 50 flighta a dayat , woulf have the capacity to add 100 or more daily flight with the new gates. Southwesy said it would add flights to routezs it already serves and pland to add one new route this declining to bemore specific. The low-farse airline, which began service from BWI in 1993 with eighgtdaily flights, is gearing up for increased competition from Arlington-basedd US Airways Inc. US Airwayss is scheduled to launchits low-fare service, dubbed from BWI to four cities June 1.
Planzs for BWI call for 10 new expanded baggage-handling facilities, refurbished passenger waiting areas and improvementz to taxiways and heating and air CapStar buys Md. hotels CapStad Hotel Co. agreed to buy two limited-service hotelz in Maryland fromRouse Co. for $34 million. The District-base d real estate investment trust said it willmake $6.1 million in improvementsw to convert the Columbia Inn in Columbiq to a Sheraton franchise and the Cross Keys Inn in Baltimored to a Radisson. The hotels have a totall of 435 rooms.
The deals boost CapStar's portfolio to 56 hotels withalmost 15,000 rooms; the company also managee 67 hotels with 10,318 The sales mark Columbia-based Rouse's exit from the hotepl business. Rouse will focus on its core developing malls, office buildings and planned Clark ConstructionGroup Inc. completed its acquisition of a Californiaconstructio company. Bethesda-based Clark, the area's largest commercial contractor, bough Guy F. Atkinson Co. in San Calif., for an undisclosed price. Atkinson, which will operatre as a subsidiaryof Clark, has offices in Seattle, Denver, Connecticut and Calif.
Atkinson's current projects includre a hydropower plant in Ohio and interstate work in Cort expandsin N.Y. area Cort Business Servicexs Corp. of Fairfax bought the furniture rental contracts and certain other assets of IS FurnitureRenta Corp. Purchase price wasn'ft disclosed. IS is a privately held compang basedin Kearny, N.J., that has three rentaol showrooms in New York and New It generated revenue of $8 millionn last year.
Publicly traded Cort operates 109 rental 72 furniture clearance centers and70

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Bump and DeNucci spar as new state auditor fires 27 workers - Boston Globe

My Fox Boston

Bump and DeNucci spar as new state auditor fires 27 workers

Boston Globe

State Auditor Suzanne Bump, in red, smiled broadly as outgoing auditor Joseph DeNucci shook hands with Treasu! rer Steven Grossman during a ceremony on Jan. 21 at the State House. Bump and DeNucci sparred today as Bump announced she was firing 27 people ...

Auditor Suzanne Bump fires 27 from state agency

Boston Herald

Mass. Auditor Bump fires 27 in office shake-up

San Antonio Express

Peer Review Of State Auditor's Office Finds Deficiencies



domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011

Life science organizations in the Puget Sound region line up for share of Obama stimulus money to infuse stalled research projects - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
billion from the Obamaa administration’s economic stimulus package. “It’s a very dramaticv increase, given the historical records ofthe UW, Fred Hutchinsonh and others, of beating others for a disparate share, based on merit,” said Jack until recently president of the . “It’s very good news for our The newly available funding is especiallgy welcomed in the currenteconomixc recession, which has kept closed the wallet of wealthy donors. “Individuals of wealth are thinking, ‘Maybes I should give money to the loca lfood bank, and hold off on local art biomedical funding,’” said Elaine chief operating officer of the .
She said her organization, with a $23 millio budget, is being forcef by past funding difficulties to plateau atlast year’d level and to forgo hiring an extra 30 researchers. While nobody knows exactlh how much of the NIH stimuluxs money will come tothis region, top researchere here hope they’ll land enough to give a kick to researcu projects stalled for lack of and to keep institutions vitapl during the economic downturn. And all say they’ree “beaker ready” to use the money immediately, a takeoff on the requirement for other types of projects the stimuluzsis funding.
“If there’s an opportunitt to access some other stimulus fund for we do have the projectsin place,” said Ken Stuart, president and founder of the . “We’r fortunate because of Gates Foundation, and NIH We’re hopeful there will be some economid recovery before the effect of the stimulu sruns out.” is the primary source of fundinvg for most of the region’s large biomedicao research institutions. It is a unit of the U.S. Departmenr of Health and Human Services. The largesf single regional recipient, and the biggesyt single research institution in the is University ofWashington Medicine. Dr.
Paul CEO of UW Medicine, said university researchers are ready with immediatd projects for thestimulus money, which must be used in 18 months. “Thde NIH portion of the federal stimulus package covers most of the areas of ourresearcn strength,” he said. “The immediate work will be in infectiouzs diseases, neuroscience, cancer research.” He also expects to win some of the NIH moneu for new equipment to do cell imaging and faster gene Right now the dean for researchj is working with faculty to put together the list of what appearsa to bemost needed, he Research leaders around the regiomn say the funding infusion is critically well-timed.
The reasom is that the combination of growinghealth problems, and new technologies to solve them, meanas the money can be fruitfully “The epidemic in diabetes, it’s running away from us,” said Paul principal scientist for the . The Centee for Disease Control’s current projections are that one in three of childrebn born in 2000 will develop Funding has been so tight that nationally just one in 10 biomedicalp research grant applicationsreceive funding. “During the previouss (Bush) administration, our funding just dwindles and dwindled,” he said.
Robertsomn is counting on PresidentBarack Obama’s stimulues money and getting a slice of it througy NIH funding. “It’s very accessible, very immediate. We need to get the work done so we can test the and find theright drugs,” he said. Biomedicalo leaders around the region say the NIH stimulus moneu is a reflection of theObama administration’s increasec focus on funding science. The president has repeatedly said that the priorityu of the government must be to putthe nation’x researchers back into the lead on a global basis.
Washingtob has been among the nation’s leaders in winning NIH according to NIH ranking seventhin 2008, with overall awards of $755 million.