lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

Business First of Buffalo: Buffalo Commercial Real Estate Listings - View Commercial Real Estate
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viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

Blues City Baseball out: Global Spectrum to manage Redbirds - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The move was made by the Foundationh after Blues City Baseball missed two requirec bond paymentsof $1.6 million for AutoZoned Park. Bonds worth $72 million were issue d on the ballpark in 1998by U.S. Bank. The team was requirerd to make payments twicea year. Global Spectrum will run the team and but adeal hasn’t been finalized, said Ray president of the Redbirds Foundation. The move, Pohlman will bring efficiency tothe team’s “Blues City Baseball has done a grea job over the last 12 years,” Pohlmanj said.
“(Dean Jernigan’s) vision brought the Redbirds but it was time for a The deal calls fora 30-day transitional which will allow Global Spectru m to evaluate team operations and the Redbirds president and general manager Dave Chase will remainm with the team at least until the end of the Chase said the preference would have been for the move to happenh at the end of the but the Foundation decided to move In January, the withdrew a letter of intent to purchase the team, citing the The Cardinals did renew their player development contract for thred years, keeping the Redbirds affiliated with the Pohlman said Global Spectrum woulfd probably run the team for two with the ultimate goal being the sale of the team and AutoZonse Park.
“This is an agreement betweej the lenders and borrowers in the best interest to keep playint baseballin Memphis,” he said. “Thr fans won’t notice any difference.”

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

California Gay Textbooks: Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools - Huffington Post

Globe and Mail

California Gay Textbooks: Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools

Huffington Post

California lawmakers passed a bill Tuesday that would make the state the first to require public schools to teach lessons on historical and current contributions of gays and lesbians. The bill now goes to Democratic Gov. ...

California bill requiring schools to teach about gays, lesbians, goes to ...

New York Daily News

Calif. lawmakers OK bill to add gay, lesbian figures to textbooks

USA Today

Assembly OKs bill to add LGBT figures to textbooks

San Francisco Chronicle

TPMMuckraker -San Francisco Examiner -GayToday


lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

Santa Ana Star expanding casino, tweaking Rio Rancho center - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Officials from both venues held a pres conference June 25 to celebratethe casino’s 16th birthday. A hotel that the Santsa Ana Pueblo-owned casino started in 2000 has sat unfinishex since work stopped inlate 2001. But Scottr Eldredge, general manager at , said the new constructiomn work will reclaim and enclosethe However, it will not be a but will be used for additional gaming spacs and larger retail operations. Santa Ana will continue its marketingg strategy ofluring locals, Eldredge Santa Ana has the cash flow to complete the $4 milliobn job and will not have to issud any debt, he added.
The expansioh will add about 25,000 square feet of with 250 additional gaminvg machines and some otherf gaming attractions he declinedto discuss. Eldredgee admits it’s a tough gaming environment rightt now. “Our top line is not he said. Santa Ana’s net win on its slot revenuesxwas $17.8 million for the quarter ended March 30. That was down from $19.71q million in the same quarterin 2008.
But Eldredgr said Santa Ana is in a bette position than other properties that also have to worry about filling a hotelo and rely on customers travelingfrom “We have times on weekends when we’rs over capacity,” he said, adding that the expansiomn will be “measured and conservative.” The retail operations will expanx the gift shop and smoke shop and will allow the casinio to sell more items, such as potteruy from the pueblo. Despite the recession, the casino’s revenues have doubled in the last four Eldredge added. Michael Burdick has been promoted to directoreof marketing.
Burdick has been the directg marketing manager for four years atSantas Ana, where he was responsiblwe for Internet marketing, Web page design, maintaininy the player database and point of sale database and branding and budget analysis. He now takes over the casino’sa overall marketing and promotional efforts. Santa Ana also bought naming rightsd to the Rio Rancho arena, the Santa Ana Star when it opened. In March, the city of Rio Rancho hired a new management firm for the Global Spectrum. Rio Rancho Mayor Tom Swisstack and other city officials terminaterd a previous management contract at the Swisstack had been vocal in his criticism of how the centef wasbeing run.
Gunnat Fox, the general manager of the Star introduced his newmanagement team, starting his remarkse with “How ya doin’?” He promisec that this phrase would be the mantra of the Globakl Spectrum team. “We want to be your event center,” Fox echoing Santa Ana Star Casino’z slogan of “Your Casino.” will have a strony focus on customer service, he and that will include no longer charging for parking at the He also said the Star Center will brinhg in more than just country andrap concerts. Therre will also be family monstertruck rallies, rodeos and athletic events.
Global Spectrum, basexd in Philadelphia, is a subsidiary of Comcast-Spectatort and manages 87 other facilities aroundthe country. That givess the company the ability to book more and better Fox said. The compan also owns the hockey team and thePhiladelphia 76ers. Two additional subsidiaries of Comcast-Spectatod will provide services at thearena — Front Row Marketing Services and New Era which Fox said will allow the cente to create its own fee structure for avoiding what he said are outrageous fees chargede by some other services. The three-year-old, 6,500-seat arena has been the home of the New Mexicoo Scorpionshockey team.
It recentlyt served as home tothe , a women’se roller derby league, as well. But the Derby is terminatint the current season at the bymutual agreement, according to a statemen t it sent out last week. The is looking to downsizs into asmaller venue, accordinhg to founder Nan Morningstar.

viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

Sheraton general manager knew he wanted to work in hotel business by age 15 - Phoenix Business Journal:
Now, he's general manager of the , whicjh will be Arizona's largestg hotel when it opens Oct. 1. And while it may not be the typicalochildhood aspiration, Percopo says the hospitalituy business has turned out to be the right path for him. He workefd as a banquet cook at a hotel in and he still knows how to make a mean chickenj cordon bleuand double-stuffed And while he may be a suit-wearinyg honcho now, he still can be seen periodically servinyg up meals in the buffet line or staff Sometimes, he'll even park a guest's car or bus a For him, it's a management strategy. He says the cafeteri is one of the best placesw to interact withhotel employees.
And by helpinfg in the front of the house as he gets to interactwith guests. "I try to practic e what I preach," he says. "oI need to create a culture of service. The hoteol business isn't rocket If an employee has a great we can teach them the A self-proclaimed family man, Percopo likes to spens his free time with his wife, or at his kids' sporting events. His son, Vincent, 14, is a freshma n at Notre Dame Preparatory andplay lacrosse. His daughter, 11, plays soccer at Mountainsids Middle School. The family lives in Nort h Scottsdale now, but they've made many hotels theier home throughthe years.
When Percopo took on the generap manager's role at The in January his family lived in that Scottsdale hotell for his first 12 weeks onthe job. "It'sx fun for the first five days," he "After about two weeks, it gets a bit old. You're dyinhg for a piece of bland Now, in managing his firsgt new hotel, he says his main goal is to create a teamworlk mentality fromday one. That shouldn'tt be difficult for him. His boss says Percopo coulc shake hands with everyone from a housekeeper to the mayortof Phoenix, treating them with the same respectr and integrity. "He has incredible people skills.
He's a greayt leader," says Rick Suhl, vice president of operations for the Southwesyt division of Starwood Hotels ResortsWorldwide Inc. The White Plains, N.Y.-basexd company owns The Phoenicianb and the new An avid Yankeesfan -- Percopo grew up in New after all -- he throws around baseballp references even in describing his leadership He looks to none otherf than Joe Torre, general managert of the Yankees from 1996 to 2007, for "He was always a great Percopo says. "Then he came to the and all of a sudden people said he wasa genius. "Thde difference wasn't him. It wasthe talent he had around him." And that's the kind of leaderf Percopo says he aspiresto be.
Children: 14; Katarina, 11 Education: Bachelorr of science, Widener University Awards: Hotelk of the Year, two years in a row at The Phoenicianj Defineyour success: "Success is all abouyt my family." Most important things in your job: inspiration and a greart leader to learn from." What you do during your lunch time: "Serve lunch and say helllo to our associates." What you are passionate "Family. The Yankees are a close If you could live adouble life, the othedr would be: "Shortstop for the .
" If you could memoriz e one book, it would be: "Colib Powell's autobiography, he inspirede and proved that the American dream is alive and Title of your autobiography: "'Work Play Hard.'" What brings you the greatest joy: "Promoting someon from within." What stresses you out: "Lack of good Your greatest extravagance: As a child, you were: "Self-motivated, and a lot of fun. I'm sure my parent s would have a slightly different Yourpet peeve: "Peoplee who lack desire." Your motto: "What doesn't kill you makesw you stronger.
" Your favorite way to relax: "Takde in a Yankee game, unless it's the playoffx -- I'm usually a The 2001 Diamondbacks made sure of that."

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

Western guvs told states must help returning vets - The Spokesman Review

Western guvs told states must help returning vets

The Spokesman Review

Chris Gregoire introduces the panel for a Western Governors Association session on helping returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, which she is moderating. COEUR d'ALENE - States must play an increasing role in helping military veterans returning ...

and more »

lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

Homebuilder McStain files for Chapter 11 - Denver Business Journal:
The Louisville-based company declared $10 million to $50 millionj in assets, and the same range in liabilities. McStaih -- which does business as McStainNeighborhoodsd -- has told customers it plans to sell its finishecd homes and complete thosre that are under The filing does not affect the Indian Peakds South neighborhood because of a separate ownership structure. In February of this year, McStain told customers on its websitdthat “we have been assurec by our bankers and other professional associates that we are healthie r than most of the private builders they deal with. … To paraphrass Mark Twain: ‘The rumors of our demisw have beengreatly exaggerated.
’ Rumors that we filed for bankruptcyy are simply not Other Colorado builders to declar Chapter 11 recently includ e Village Homes of Colorad o in Greenwood Village, which had last year’ s largest local bankruptcy reorganization with $138.34 million in debt, and Touss Inc., the Florida-based parent of Colorado’s Englde Homes Inc. John Laing Homes of Calif., which was active in metro Denver, filec Chapter 11 early this year. McStain’zs largest unsecured creditorsinclude Scheer’e Inc. of Illinois (which is owed $10.85 million), Key Bank ($3 CRE400 Centennial LLC-Crestone ($2 and William and Associates ofBoulder ($1.54 according to the bankruptcy filing.
Otherf unsecured creditors include FirstNational Bank, GE Namaste Solar Electric Inc., Guy’s Floor Service Inc. and the City and Countuy of Denver (sales tax). McStaij has taken significant steps to cut costsa and shore up its flagging businessx in thelast year. The builder’s former presidenf and CEO, Eric Wittenberg, voluntarily left the company in late summer 2008 tosave money, and was replacedr by McStain co-founder Tom Hoyt. Hoyt took the titlea president andboard chairman. McStain Enterprises also closedf its physical headquarters operation in Louisvilldlast November.
At that McStain had 21 employees, down from 75 peoplr early last fall and from a peak of 115 a fewyear ago. Remaining employees were to create avirtual office, usingy cell phones and computers. Tom and Caroline with their friendDavid Stainton, started McStain in when they bought a small Boulder custom builder calledx Horizon Building Co. Over the years, the partnersw built the company from a simpls custom builder to a designer and developerof master-plannedr communities such as Indian Peaks in Lafayette and MeadowVie w in Longmont. They also moved into sustainable, energy-efficient housing.
McStain has worked on severa l urbaninfill projects, as well, includingy ones in Denver’s Lowry and Stapleton neighborhoods and Belmaer in Lakewood.