viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

Sheraton general manager knew he wanted to work in hotel business by age 15 - Phoenix Business Journal:
Now, he's general manager of the , whicjh will be Arizona's largestg hotel when it opens Oct. 1. And while it may not be the typicalochildhood aspiration, Percopo says the hospitalituy business has turned out to be the right path for him. He workefd as a banquet cook at a hotel in and he still knows how to make a mean chickenj cordon bleuand double-stuffed And while he may be a suit-wearinyg honcho now, he still can be seen periodically servinyg up meals in the buffet line or staff Sometimes, he'll even park a guest's car or bus a For him, it's a management strategy. He says the cafeteri is one of the best placesw to interact withhotel employees.
And by helpinfg in the front of the house as he gets to interactwith guests. "I try to practic e what I preach," he says. "oI need to create a culture of service. The hoteol business isn't rocket If an employee has a great we can teach them the A self-proclaimed family man, Percopo likes to spens his free time with his wife, or at his kids' sporting events. His son, Vincent, 14, is a freshma n at Notre Dame Preparatory andplay lacrosse. His daughter, 11, plays soccer at Mountainsids Middle School. The family lives in Nort h Scottsdale now, but they've made many hotels theier home throughthe years.
When Percopo took on the generap manager's role at The in January his family lived in that Scottsdale hotell for his first 12 weeks onthe job. "It'sx fun for the first five days," he "After about two weeks, it gets a bit old. You're dyinhg for a piece of bland Now, in managing his firsgt new hotel, he says his main goal is to create a teamworlk mentality fromday one. That shouldn'tt be difficult for him. His boss says Percopo coulc shake hands with everyone from a housekeeper to the mayortof Phoenix, treating them with the same respectr and integrity. "He has incredible people skills.
He's a greayt leader," says Rick Suhl, vice president of operations for the Southwesyt division of Starwood Hotels ResortsWorldwide Inc. The White Plains, N.Y.-basexd company owns The Phoenicianb and the new An avid Yankeesfan -- Percopo grew up in New after all -- he throws around baseballp references even in describing his leadership He looks to none otherf than Joe Torre, general managert of the Yankees from 1996 to 2007, for "He was always a great Percopo says. "Then he came to the and all of a sudden people said he wasa genius. "Thde difference wasn't him. It wasthe talent he had around him." And that's the kind of leaderf Percopo says he aspiresto be.
Children: 14; Katarina, 11 Education: Bachelorr of science, Widener University Awards: Hotelk of the Year, two years in a row at The Phoenicianj Defineyour success: "Success is all abouyt my family." Most important things in your job: inspiration and a greart leader to learn from." What you do during your lunch time: "Serve lunch and say helllo to our associates." What you are passionate "Family. The Yankees are a close If you could live adouble life, the othedr would be: "Shortstop for the .
" If you could memoriz e one book, it would be: "Colib Powell's autobiography, he inspirede and proved that the American dream is alive and Title of your autobiography: "'Work Play Hard.'" What brings you the greatest joy: "Promoting someon from within." What stresses you out: "Lack of good Your greatest extravagance: As a child, you were: "Self-motivated, and a lot of fun. I'm sure my parent s would have a slightly different Yourpet peeve: "Peoplee who lack desire." Your motto: "What doesn't kill you makesw you stronger.
" Your favorite way to relax: "Takde in a Yankee game, unless it's the playoffx -- I'm usually a The 2001 Diamondbacks made sure of that."

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