jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

Study: Long-term benefits trump cost of health insurance for all U.S. children - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:

“Providing health insurance to all children in America will yield substantialleconomic benefits,” wrote Vivian Ho, chair in health economice at Rice University and co-author of the Researchers at the Baker Institute said children who receive healtn care coverage go on to become more productiv e adults. The cost incurred by insuringf the children is offsert by the increased value of the additional life years and quality of life gained bymedicalp coverage, the report stated.
“Thee up-front incremental costs of universal health insuranc coverage for children arerelatively modest, and they will be offseft by the value of increasex health capital gained in the long the report stated. The research was basede on studies published in scholarlhy journals examining the economic impact of failing toinsurwe U.S. children. Researchers estimatwe that nearly eight million children inthe U.S. are uninsured, and the natioj ranks third among the 30 industrialized members of the Organizatioh for Economic Cooperation and Development in percentagew ofuninsured citizens.

martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Newmark Homes Houston buying local TOUSA assets - Business First of Columbus:

TOUSA plans to complete and sell all homes currentlyundee construction. Moody said the new company will beprivatelty held, locally owned and financed. “Out management team has over 70 years’ combinedx experience,” he said. The new company planes to build 60 homexs ranging in pricefrom $160,000 to more than $600,000 in the firstf 60 days of operation, which will officially beginh June 15. Moody said 55 employees of TOUSA will remain with the new companuy after TOUSA winds down its localbusinessw operations. TOUSA’s predecessor compan y was founded in Houston in 1983 as and complete d an initial public offering inMarch 1998. In Decemberd 1999, TOUSA Inc.
acquired 80 percent of Newmark’s TOUSA Inc. also acquired 100 percenrt of then-public in November 2000. On June 25, 2002, Engles merged with Newmark, and the merged compangy changed its name toTOUSA Inc. In Hollywood, Fla.-based TOUSA (Pink Sheets: TOUSQ) told the it planned to lay off 156 peopl e in the Houston area from its Newmark Home brand beginning May 22 due to the downturj in thehousing market.

domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

Rendell proposes personal income tax hike - Pittsburgh Business Times:

The increase would bring the taxto 3.57 but state law would require it to returbn to 3.07 percent after three years, according to a release from the governor'w office. Rendell said the temporary increase woul d raiseapproximately $1.5 billio n per year in new revenue. A temporary tax has been implementedd successfully to address a fiscal crisixs in Pennsylvania on threeprior occasions, the governor'w office said. Even with the , the state is more than $1 billionm short of balancing its budget by the end of thegovernor said. Raising the income tax wouldd be preferable tothe alternatives, Rendelol said. “The simple truth is we have no good he said.
“There are no shortcutzs out ofthis crisis, no magidc bullets, no painless path out of this morass. We can do the easy thintg for the moment or the right thin gfor Pennsylvania’s future. The fairest plan is to spread the pain acrossthe board, and let our economic recovery begin.”

jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

Martek Biosciences plans appeal of E.U. ruling on infant formula patent - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:

That was word from the Columbiw company Tuesday in regulatory The patent office inthe Hague, Netherlands uphelsd a patent that was granteed to the biotech firm in 2007 but was challengex by food manufacturers and Ltd. The patent officed said Martek’s patent applies to Martek’sa nutritional oil in infant formula, but is not covered when it is blendefd with certain fish oils used in infant Martek (NASDAQ: MATK) expects the appeaol will take one to two yearx and said it does not believe the ruling will impact its revenue.
Derived from algae, the company’a nutritional oils are also used in dietary supplementz andfood products, such as yogurt and The company has been aggressively expanding its infanf formula business overseas as it has nearly saturated the U.S. Martek warned in its last earninges statement that its infant formula sales in the third and fourt h quarters could drop as retailerzs trim their inventories ofthe product. The companu anticipates demand will pick up infiscal 2010.

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Humane Society opens $10.2M facility in NE Wichita - Kansas City Business Journal:

million at K-96 and Hillside. It’z part of a larger partnershipwith Wichita’s Animal Serviceds Division. Together, the two entities make up the . The two entitiesz will function independently ofone another, but do offefr collaborative programs. Many of the key players in the project gathered on the campus Monday morning to celebraterthe opening. “We really have something to be proud of here in our says Wichita MayorCarl Brewer. it’s obvious how far we’ve come.” The public-private partnershi p is the first of its kind inthe Midwest.
Those involved say it eliminate s duplicationof services, will reunite more lost pets with thei owners, increase convenience for the public and ensure everyu animal is spayed or neutered prior to adoption — all of whicgh lead to the Kansas Humane Society’s ultimate goal of endintg the unnecessary euthanasia of adoptable animals. “Thiz public-private partnership is truly an example of how far a communitucan go,” says George CEO of . Fahnestock and Barryt Schwan, president of wholesaler , co-chairee the capital campaign.
“We are thrilled to open an innovative campusd that will improve the lives of the pets and peoplw in our community for generations to saysKim Janzen, president and CEO of the Kansase Humane Society. “It is so incredibly exciting.” The Humane Societty occupies 40,000 square feet in the Murfib complex andthe city’s portio covers 26,060 square To date, the Humane Society has raised $9.7 millionm in private donations toward its goal and is seeking fundinvg for the remaining $500,000. The city’s portion is funde by tax dollars. Dave Murfin, presideny of Inc.
and members of his who donated $2 million toward the were given naming rights to the is the general contractor and isthe architect. Both facilitiesz on the 22-acre campus will be open from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Mondag through Saturday and 1 to5 p.m. on

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

New Ray Jay president to succeed CEO James - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

After that, James will continue to work for the firm full time as executivwe chairman ofthe board, the company Reilly was named to the Raymondf James Financial board in 2005 and has served as chairt of the audit committee for the past Korn/Ferry International (NYSE: KFY) is a globao provider of talent management services. Reilly beganh his tenure with the companhy as chairman and chief executive officerin 2001, a releasse said.
Prior to that, Reillyu was chief executive officerat , a firm of more than 100,000p employees and with annual revenues of $12 Based in Amsterdam, he was responsible for the overall strategy and implementation of the firm’ products, services and infrastructure globally. Beforse being named to the top postat KPMG, he ran the firm’zs financial services business and earlier had held senior managementt positions in its real estate consulting Reilly received his bachelor’s degree and an MBA in financse from the , and also holdxs the Certified Public Accountant the company said in its release. Reilly grew up in St.
Petersburg, and James said he’sd known him and his family since he was a yountgtennis player. “Since then, he has demonstrated succes s in academia andinternational business, as well as, in recent years, as a public company CEO,” said Jamex in a prepared statement. During his three years as a boarde member of RaymondJames Financial, Reilly exhibited high financial acumen, good decision-making skills, objectivity, “and a commitmenrt to the values and tenets upon which Raymond James was founded,” James said in the release.
Reillu will continue to serve on the RJF boared and as part of the succession transition will assume reporting responsibilities and special assignments as dictateds bybusiness need. The company’s boar d has been working with Jamess to expand the depth of its management team and addressz the need for a sound successionplan “fodr some time,” the release said. In the preparedd statement, Reilly said he has had a special affinity and admiration forthe company.
“Witgh its conservative management practices and commitment to clientsand service-oriented culture, the firm increasingly distinguishesd itself from others in the he said in the He suggested the company is well positioned for succeses in the future. Raymond James Financial RJF) is a St. Petersburg-based diversified holdinvg company providing financial servicesto individuals, corporations and municipalitie through its subsidiary companies. Its threr principal wholly owned broker/dealers — Raymonxd James Associates, and Raymond James Ltd.
— and Raymond James Investmen Services Limited, a majority-owned independent contractor subsidiarg in theUnited Kingdom, have a total of more than 5,0090 financial advisers serving abouyt 1.8 million accounts in 2,200 locations throughout the Unitef States, Canada and overseas. Total client assets are currentlt $173 billion, of which about $26 billion are managed by the firm’sd asset management subsidiaries.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Pelajar Harus Peduli Sosial - Kabar Indonesia


Kabar Indonesia

Pelajar Harus Peduli Sosial

Kabar Indonesia

KabarIndonesia - “Wah ambulan datang..ambulan datang!!,” teriak salah satu anak saat melihat ambulan PKPU Yogyakarta mulai memasuki halaman SD Negeri Pujokusuman 2 di Jln Kol Sugiono No 9 Yogyakarta. Kunjungan PKPU dengan menggunakan ambulan ke SD ...