jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

Study: Long-term benefits trump cost of health insurance for all U.S. children - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:

“Providing health insurance to all children in America will yield substantialleconomic benefits,” wrote Vivian Ho, chair in health economice at Rice University and co-author of the Researchers at the Baker Institute said children who receive healtn care coverage go on to become more productiv e adults. The cost incurred by insuringf the children is offsert by the increased value of the additional life years and quality of life gained bymedicalp coverage, the report stated.
“Thee up-front incremental costs of universal health insuranc coverage for children arerelatively modest, and they will be offseft by the value of increasex health capital gained in the long the report stated. The research was basede on studies published in scholarlhy journals examining the economic impact of failing toinsurwe U.S. children. Researchers estimatwe that nearly eight million children inthe U.S. are uninsured, and the natioj ranks third among the 30 industrialized members of the Organizatioh for Economic Cooperation and Development in percentagew ofuninsured citizens.

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