sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

Peak Fitness to change tactics, offer refunds - Triangle Business Journal:

Over the past five according to a press theattorney general's office has received around 300 complaintss about Peak Fitness, which has 28 healtu clubs across North Carolina. Undert its deal with the state, Peak Fitness must pay the AG’sx office $30,000 to cover consumerd education andinvestigation costs. The chain also must take stepws to ensure that consumers get what theypay for. Peak Fitness will maintaih bonds that can be used to repay customers if any of its health clubs shut offer pro-rated refunds to customers of clubz that shut down, and prominentlh post the contact information of its billinyg company in every location among other requirements.
The AG’s office says customers have had troublw getting money from Peak Fitness locations arouncdthe state. “We want to make sure that people get what they pay for and that healty clubs treat theirmembers fairly,” Cooper said in a writtenj statement.

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